How long is the recovery period after Bariatric Surgery?

The recovery period will take approximately 6 weeks. Expect to spend 1-3 days in hospital after surgery. This depends on the surgery and the hospital program you are in. Plan to take at least 2 weeks off work, ideally up to 4 weeks. This is mostly due to the requirements of the post operative nutritional plan, as you will be on a liquid diet for the first 4 weeks. Avoid heavy lifting for at least 6-8 weeks post surgery and if possible up to 3 months.

Which surgery should I get?

Which surgery is best for you will be based on a number of individual considerations. Such things as; underlining medical conditions, pre existing disease processes, and lifestyle many effect which surgery is right for you. For example, metabolic profiles, diabetes, medications, gastric reflex, autoimmune disorders, behavioural and emotional factors will all need to be considered when deciding on a surgical pathway. This will be an important conversation that will take place between you and your medical team, as to ensure the best possible long-term surgical outcomes.


How much weight loss will I experience?

Patient’s electing for a Roux en Y Gastric Bypass can expect a loss of 35-50% of their body weight. Those undergoing Vertical Gastric Sleeve can expect a loss of 25% of their body weight. This typically takes place over 12-18 months’ post surgery. Patients can experience up to 30% weight regain however, this is highly variable amongst individuals. Our clinic follows post surgical patient and can help limit or advert this weight gain. There are a variety of interventions both lifestyle and medical that can be used to support clients in maintaining post-surgery weight loss.

How long will I have to wait for surgery?

Although we aim for a timeline of approximately 1 year this varies greatly from person to person. You must first get medically and nutritionally cleared for surgery.  We work with you pre surgery to prepare for both behavioural changed and identify any emotionally challenges you may encounter post surgery.  There is no official ‘wait list’. You will work thought these items at your own comfort levels and pace. Once cleared through our clinic you will be fast tracked to a surgical program. We will follow you for all post- bariatric care as needed for the rest of your life. 

Why is exercise important after if I’ve been told it’s not a good way to loss weight?

Yes, exercise does suck for weight loss but it helps prevent weight gain by maintaining muscle mass. Without exercise post surgery up to 25% of the weight loss you experience will be due to muscle loss. Exercise will help limit this to 8-10% muscle loss which will help maintain long term weight loss.